
Friday 24 June 2016

Degree of homogeneity of DBMS

Degree of homogeneity of DBMS

If all servers (or individual local DBMSs) use identical software and all users (clients) use identical software, the DDBMS is called homogeneous; otherwise, it is called heterogeneous. Another factor related to the degree of homogeneity is the degree of local autonomy. If there is no provision for the local site to function as a stand-alone DBMS, then the system has no local autonomy. On the other hand, if direct access by local transactions to a server is permitted, the system has some degree of local autonomy. 

At one extreme of the autonomy spectrum, we have a DDBMS that "looks like" a centralized DBMS to the user. A single conceptual schema exists, and all access to the system is obtained through a site that is part of the DDBMS—which means that no local autonomy exists. At the other extreme we encounter a type of DDBMS called a federated DDBMS (or a multidatabase system). In such a system, each server is an independent and autonomous centralized DBMS that has its own local users, local transactions, and DBA and hence has a very high degree of local autonomy. The term federated database system (FDBS) is used when there is some global view or schema of the federation of databases that is shared by the applications. On the other hand, a multidatabase system does not have global schema and interactively constructs one as needed by the application. Both systems are hybrids between distributed and centralized systems and the distinction we made between them is not strictly followed. We will refer to them as FDBSs in a generic sense. 

In a heterogeneous FDBS, one server may be a relational DBMS, another a network DBMS, and a third an object or hierarchical DBMS; in such a case it is necessary to have a canonical system language and to include language translators to translate subqueries from the canonical language to the language of each server.